Anti-Poaching for Development - AP4D
Development of Wildlife Protection Ranger Teams
for Nature Conservation, Job Creation and Rural Development
vision & goals
Our Vision to preserve and protect wildlife and ecosystems for the full idealistic and economic benefit of the local people and the Namibian nation.​​​​​
Our Goals
Our first goal
To raise awareness of the ethical and material value of wild nature and wild animals among Namibians through our training and development programs.
Our second goal
To anchor knowledge and skills about nature conservation work and wildlife protection in the rural communities, so that suitable community members will be able to take care of the protection of their wildlife that live in and around these communities - by volunteering or against payment.
This is to create or maintain the basis for profitable wildlife based tourism, which in turn can bring material progress and development to the community.
Our third goal
To create employment opportunities for motivated and talented Namibians as wildlife protection rangers for the wildlife conservation sector.
Applicants from rural communities, where people live with rhinos, and conflict species like elephants, and large predators like hyenas, lions and leopards, are particularly favoured. The employment of these community members as Wildlife protection (WP) Ranger can significantly help reducing human-wildlife conflicts in the long run and bring development to rural communities.
Our fourth goal
Through our programs we give the graduates a professional career perspective, in which wildlife in general, including iconic species like the rhino, elephant and large predators, receive an outstanding, economic importance.
This will generally initiate awareness for the longterm conservation of wild African nature in general.
Our fifths goal
The resulting job and business opportunities created by our programs also reduce dependence on livestock income and subsidence farming, raise awareness of the economic benefits even of "conflict species" such as elephants and large predators, reducing the existing acceptance of poaching and limiting the conflicts between humans and wildlife.
Our sixth goal
The strengthening of wildlife protection in the rural communities leads to a safeguarding of wildlife based tourism in these region, which is the most important basis for rural incomes and can prevent young people to migrate to the cities (rural exodus) with all the problems that often come with it.
Our seventh goal
In addition, we offer training courses for members of the Namibian police force (NAMPOL), the Namibian Defense Force (NDF), the MET (MInistry of Environment and Tourism) in order to support their fight against poaching, especially rhino and elephant poaching.
Our eighth goal
Through seminars abroad on the topic of "wildlife protection in Africa" we want to make the value and necessity of our work more understandable to a broader public in Europe. “Anti-poaching work” is not yet correctly understood by many in Europe, as is the value of the “sustainable utilization” of wild animals for the benefit of people and the future of wildlife in Africa.