
In order to be able to realize the goals of the AP4D, and thus to give people, nature and wildlife a long-term future, we need your support through donations to run the AP4D training courses and to support AP operations.
Donation option 1:
Expenditures of complete training courses
Daily rate per local student (accommodation, meals, training)
Euro 100
15-day-course per student
Euro 1500
Donation option 2:
4x4 Vehicle purchase for training and operations
Any amount is welcome.
Donation option 3:
Special equipment purchase for training and operations
Drohne, for reconnaissance / purchase Any amount is welcome.
Night vision devices, for anti poaching night operations training / purchase Any amount is welcome.
Ammunition Any amount is welcome.
GPS Any amount is welcome.
Binoculars Any amount is welcome.
You can directly donate to our German partner organisation, the Living-with-Elephants e.V (LEF), by electronic bank transfer. - This is a nonprofit trust fund account. The LEF, as a registered trust fund, monitors the proper use of donations for the purposes of the AP4D. The donations to them are tax deductible for German citizens:
IBAN DE05 3705 0299 0313 5669 85
„Living with Elephants e.V.“
Entry at the register of associations of the local court Cologne: VR 17160
As a non-profit trust fund recognized by the tax office Cologne-Altstadt.
Tax number: 214/5860/0536
Eintrag beim Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Köln: VR 17160
Als gemeinnützig anerkannt vom Finanzamt Köln-Altstadt.
Steuernummer: 214/5860/0536
Please always use the reference "AP4D " when donating into this bank account. - Thank you.
Development of Wildlife Protection Teams
for Nature Conservation, Job Creation and Rural Development